World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day


January 30 is World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day 2025: it is an opportunity for each of us to use our platforms to manifest the call to Unite, Act, and Eliminate neglected tropical diseases.

We know that telling real stories about our impact and explaining the progress we've achieved earns trust in our work at the END Fund, and that when we do it through our own authentic connections, we unlock collaborations that accelerate our shared mission.

We know that telling real stories about our impact and explaining the progress we've achieved earns trust in our work at the END Fund, and that when we do it through our own authentic connections, we unlock collaborations that accelerate our shared mission.

The playbook works: through our shared collaboration, fifty-four countries have now eliminated at least one neglected tropical disease, meaning we're more than halfway towards the WHO's goal of 100 countries having eliminated at least one NTD by 2030.

This year, some of our partners and stakeholders weighed in on priority themes and issues through consultations with the Uniting to Combat NTDs Communications Coordination Group (CCG), the Neglected Tropical Disease NGO Network (NNN) Communications Working Group, and WHO regional offices, and produced guidelines informing this Digital Toolkit.

Take action with powerful messages and ready-to-use content for download and copying. This toolkit ensures your voice uplifts with the global movement to eliminate neglected tropical diseases. Together, we can inspire action, celebrate progress, and make this World NTD Day our most impactful yet. 

Posting Tips

Share Visuals

Posts on social media that include a creative are more likely to get engagement. Use the graphics and animations provided in this toolkit to make your posts more powerful. 

  • For LinkedIn: Download the carousel creatives as a PDF and upload it as a Document.
  • For Instagram and Facebook: Download the graphics as individual images and upload them as photo posts.
Use Hashtags

Include #WorldNTDDay, #EndNTDs, and #UniteActEliminate in your posts to connect to the global movement.

Tag Us

Be sure to tag The End Fund in your posts on Facebook, Instagram (@the_endfund), LinkedIn and Twitter (@TheENDFund).

Key Messages

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7 countries were acknowledged by WHO for eliminating one NTD in 2024

#WorldNTDDay is an opportunity to highlight the unprecedented progress to #endNTDs. Have a look for yourself ➡️ Swipe right for the facts on the 7 countries that were acknowledged by WHO for eliminating one NTD in 2024 alone. 

It’s this extraordinary momentum that motivates my work with (@tag your org) and [TAG on platform: @The END Fund]. To get to the global goal of 100 countries eliminating at least one NTD by 2030, we’re calling for:

🤗 Strengthening community engagement,
🔬Accelerating research and development for new tools,
📊 Enhancing data systems for timely surveillance and response,
🤝Amplifying political will and action,
💴Sustaining and increase investments in NTDs.


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Progress is accelerating in the African continent

Good news feels scarce, but we at @The END Fund are profoundly encouraged by progress on ending neglected tropical diseases. That’s because as of this year, 2️⃣2️⃣African nations have now eliminated at least one NTD—and several have eliminated multiple NTDs.

 #WorldNTDDay today is our opportunity to amplify this incredible feat in improving health for all.

#EndNTDs #UniteActEliminate

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The world is over halfway to WHO NTD roadmap 2030 target

#WorldNTDDay today gives us a chance to elevate the incredible progress made on ending neglected tropical diseases worldwide: we are OVER halfway to the [TAG on platform: @World Health Organization] 2030 target to #ENDNTDs👏.

At the same time, my colleagues and partners at  [TAG on platform: @The END Fund] and I caution that incredible progress can be stifled because NTDs are exacerbated by #ClimateChange. 

Here’s the issue: there’s only an estimated 0.05% of climate funding dedicated to human health projects – so we must increase investment to protect future populations and sustain progress in disease elimination efforts.

One way we’re proposing we do this? By adopting a One Health approach, which can better help target links between human, environmental, and animal health, and the risk of infection transmission between these due to shifting climates. That’s how we #UniteActEliminate to eliminate NTDs. 

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There are record-breaking achievements in the project of ending NTDs – but we cannot lose momentum

The global movement to end neglected tropical diseases is an historic success story – but it’s also a reminder of why we can’t lose momentum now.

In 2024:

7️⃣ countries were acknowledged by WHO for eliminating an NTD,
🔟 countries eliminated a second NTD, and
4️⃣ countries eliminated a third NTD!

All of these wins demonstrate the power of global collaboration and sustained effort: the elimination of NTDs has massive bi-partisan, global reach and support, transforms lives and entire economies, and is a significant return on investment. It’s one of global health's most incredible yet underrecognized success stories.

On #WorldNTDDay today, I’m joining the chorus calling to #UniteActEliminate so that we can continue this progress and #EndNTDs! 📣📣

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Ending NTDs has a significant return on investment

Eliminating neglected tropical diseases is one of global health's most remarkable, yet overlooked success stories with a unique return on investment potential in the philanthropy space. That’s why I am so proud to work with [TAG on platform: @The END Fund] on the global mission to eliminate at least one NTD by 2030.

#WorldNTDDay today is an opportunity to elevate these facts:

💊The solutions already exist: we know how to treat NTDs, all we have to do it ensure that the treatments and prevention methods are available to all those that need them.
🦋The knock-on effect that ending NTDs has on other areas of society, including public health, poverty, education, gender, and climate.
⤴ To #EndNTDs is to reduce healthcare spending for families and governments, free up resources for other priorities, improve mental and physical health and reduce stigma


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Ending NTDs transforms lives and economies

Ending neglected tropical diseases improves not only public health, but economies too – here’s how:

💼By preventing or treating NTDs, adults can stay in or return to work and children can attend school
💰This boosts productivity, and economic independence – both in the short and long term.
📈Overall, this strengthens societies and drives national economic growth.

On #WorldNTDDay today I join the chorus calling for greater collaboration to #ENDNTDs with  [TAG on platform: @The END Fund]. #UniteActEliminate

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Niger Gets WHO Verification for Eliminating River Blindness

Big news: after nearly 50 years of collaborative efforts across West Africa, @The END Fund is celebrating a huge win for Niger as it received @World Health Organization verification for its elimination of #RiverBlindness (also known as #Onchocerciasis, or “Oncho”).

This makes Niger the first African country to eliminate the disease, which can cause severe itching, eye lesions, and permanent blindness — meaning its impact not only on families and communities, but also on entire economies, is devastating.

This was in part made possible because of the power of collaborative philanthropy — and persistent dedication from local governments. #WorldNTDDay

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